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Our Payment Gateway Services have empowered thousands of e-merchants, with fast, secure, affordable and complete online transaction processing. Key Features of Payment Gateway Services are

  • All Major International and Indian Credit cards Processed.
  • Our Payment Gateway also processes credit cards" Valid only in India & Nepal".
  • Indian Customers can also pay through their Indian bank accounts.
  • Quick & Easy Integration with our Payment Gateway.
  • Our Payment Gateway Offers 'Authorize & Capture' and other facilities.


SMS gateway enables clients to send a large number of SMS through multiple connections to different operators.
Pricing Table for sending notifications, announcements or advertisements through SMS any where in India.

i.     For up to 25,000 SMS Messages, it is Rs. 937.50 per thousand.
ii.    For 25,001 to 1,00,000 Messages, it is Rs. 625.00 per thousand.

Features : Our SMC servers can handle 400 messages per second. Applications can interact with SMS gateway through HTTP, SMTP, XML, FTP etc. Supports plain text, flash & WAP Push. Supports delivery reports. Currently supports 160 characters & long messages, Message scheduling facility & Multiple connections to telcos.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the continuous practice of improving search engine position of a website. We Build Pages Internet Marketing Services believes that by increasing traffic to a website using link building services, proactive Internet marketing, and original SEO content creation to improve search engine positioning. Using the latest organic link building services, We Build Pages provides the most comprehensive and customized SEO services available using the latest SEO software to provide our clients with the most detailed and updated information.


SSL certificate providers issued server certificates to organizations wishing to incorporate SSL security measures into their business applications and network infrastructure. SSL certificate is the means by which the protection of online communication is made possible between the two endpoints of a connection. it can only be issued to one specific domain, and is therefore able to authenticate the certificate holder

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